Sunday 5 June 2016

Garage Sale Scores! {Style on a Budget}

First of all, I am quite embarrassed that I haven't posted since my intro. But, here I am, with some great deals to share!

I managed to drag the hubby out to some garage sales yesterday. He's very into camping and outdoor survival, so anytime I find one advertising camping gear its usually a lot easier to convince him to wake up early on the weekend. We made it out around 10am, a little late for garage sale standards, but we found a 65+ home sale with an entire neighbourhood participating. I scored some great deals at the first house, and a couple more at the last house. Spent $14 dollars in total, and made it home with a ton of stuff!! Thrifty shopper for life!

^Casual red and black flannel (with a bit of silver weaved in) that is going to look really cute with some black leggings! (Old Navy, $1)

^Oatmeal sweater, thick cable knit kind, that feels like it'll last for life. Its long enough to wear with leggings and the wool is super soft, not itchy at all. (Ricki's, $1)

^Grey Nordic zippered sweater with a pop collar. Will be great for those cool fall and winter days paired with a some boots! (Kimset, carried at Bootlegger, $1)

^Fluffy cream scarf that will easily match lots of my work clothes. (Ricki's, $1)

^ FAVORITE article of clothing that of course, my husband HATES, a peach sweatshirt with FLAMINGOS all over it. I'm dying, its SO funky! I've been trying to break out of my rut of all neutrals, black and white colour scheme. I thought this was a perfect piece, and was the first item I picked out. The girl told me that it was a dollar so I hurriedly grabbed up everything else that looked quality. (O'Neill, $1)

^Then onto the sale that had all the camping stuff.... Hubby found 2 military grade duffel bags for $3 each! And wifey got some bags of her own! Brown with gold hardware Kathy Van Zeeland shoulder bag for $5 and a slouchy hobo bag with one main pocket for $4. I feel like I did pretty good for spending only $14.

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