Monday 18 January 2016

The First Imperfect Post...

FIRST POST! I’ve wanted to start another blog for a while. For so many reasons, but mainly because I feel I have something to say, and that people out there might want to hear it. What I have to say is, being a wife isn’t perfect. It isn’t fresh-baked, made from fairy dust perfection. It isn’t perfect matching furniture you pin on your Pinterest boards. It isn’t “50 perfect date night ideas written on Popsicle sticks in a mason jar”. Sometimes its “I’m so tired that we are having Kraft Dinner for dinner”. Sometimes its starting the dryer for the third time because you didn’t have time to pull out the clothes you dried three nights ago. Sometimes it’s even deciding between paying the garbage bill, or the water bill...but so help me we’re paying the cable and internet bill because if we don’t we’d probably kill each other. But being a wife is a title I proudly and gladly hold. It has taught me so much about myself, and relationships, and commitment. I just want to read about how imperfect it all is. In a world where we are always trying to out-do each other’s perfection. Don’t get me wrong, this is coming from a girl who picked out her set of dishes to get the ultimate Instagram snap from the nights that I put forth the effort to make a gourmet meal.

Also, it should be noted. I’m not a housewife. I’m a working wife. I am a working wife, who loves anything beauty, crafty or animal print. This leads to a lot of deep sighs from my husband...when I really really need another trip to Walmart. Or the dollar store.  Or Michaels. I’m forever trying to “organize”, and forever searching for the perfect mascara. Neither are things I can put the check beside as done.

I’m hoping this blog can be a reflection of me, my loves, my need to share a great bargain, or amazing new makeup product, or a cute card I made for a friend. I promise I won’t blog about my secret to perfect Kraft Dinner...or maybe I will. I fancy myself an imperfect (working) housewife, just trying to make it through this life of perfection pushers.